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Who we are

Creating Info provides web and mobile applications development, customized business software solutions, eCommerce, and IT consultancy.

Established in 2012, our company consists of creative and highly skilled professionals who are passionate about forward thinking technologies. We take pride in delivering high-value solutions for our clients.

Our leadership team has over 35 years of combined experience in the field of IT. We continuously find ways to improve our skills and to grow our expertise in various domains.

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To provide our clients with reliable and professional IT services, thereby
helping them run and grow their businesses effectively and efficiently while creating long-lasting relationships.


Our aim is to become one of the leading IT solution providers in Southeast Asia and gain the loyalty and confidence of our clients. 

All for God’s glory.

Core Values

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We believe that building and maintaining relationships with our clients should be our number one priority. We are guided by the timeless value that a happy and satisfied customer will embrace our offering and advise others to the same.

Likewise, we believe that great employer-employee partnerships are vital for the success of our company. If our employees are not happy, there is no way that they will make our customers happy.

Creativity and Innovation

We believe that we should always be on the look out for new and imaginative ideas. Guided by our passion and commitment, we will bring something into being.

We are being creative if we develop ideas to solve problems and maximize opportunities. Creativity starts the idea that brings about improvement at work through innovation.

Love, Respect, and Integrity

We believe that our workmanship should be a product of love and respect for God and for others. We will do unto others what we expect others to do unto us.

There will be no relationship without confidence and no confidence without integrity. Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do.

Our Process

To deliver successful applications and software solutions faster, more efficiently, and effectively, we utilize this 7-step delivery framework.


We collaborate closely with our clients to identify and set the goal of the project. Extensive discussion is involved to clearly set project objectives and to gather requirements. This defines the project scope and outlines expectations.



Based on the scope and requirements, mockups, wireframes, or process, flowcharts will be created. This gives our clients a visual representation of the application or solution to be delivered. This also ensures that the requirements and expectations are aligned between us and our clients.


Through our agile development process, we break software development to small iterative increments called sprints. This allows our teams to release prototypes to clients early and get immediate feedback. Close coordination with the client at this stage is crucial for successful delivery.


Quality Assurance

This is to ensure each and every component of the application or solution works and works correctly. Our team regularly and rigorously performs manual and automated testing.

User Acceptance

Once the application or solution has passed our quality assurance, we train our clients on how to use and maximize the application. Then we hand over the application to them to perform their own series of testing. In some cases, clients run the new application in parallel with their existing system.


Go Live!

This is the most awaited step by everyone. Once everything has been thoroughly tested and signed off by the client, it is time to launch the application. We assist our clients monitor behind the scenes to ensure a successful launch.


We provide support and maintenance services after the application went live. We provide support to our client’s system inquiries, concerns, and how-tos. There could also be instances bugs are uncovered post launch or some intermittent errors that will require fixing. We provide support and maintenance to address these. We maintain the system to ensure it is running smoothly.
