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Financial Benefits of Moving to the Cloud


As a wrote in one of my earlier blogs, there are many reasons to move to a cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS). To give you a short recap, SaaS offers you the benefits of everywhere and anytime accessibility, customizability and cloud-security and much more. In case you have not read this post, please click here. Today I like to focus on the financial benefits of SaaS, which might be one of the main reasons you should consider moving to the cloud. How can SaaS make your business save money?

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How To Become a Sales and Inventory Management Boss

Blog 2

When I was searching for a definition of inventory management, this is what I found on Wikipedia: “Inventory management is a science primarily about specifying the shape and percentage of stocked goods”. As an entrepreneur you might agree that this definition is vague and does not capture what inventory management is really about. When we think about inventory management, thousand things may come to mind. Controlling inventory, taking care of your accounts, managing sales and inventory orders, correctly handling invoices and other costs are just a few things that might strike you. Rather than the simplistic definition Wikipedia gave, managing your inventory and sales properly involves so much more than just controlling your inventory.
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Various Governments start teaching Coding at least in High School

As I scout through the news to find an inspiration on what to blog about, I am positively encouraged to find at least 2 recent articles of government agencies raising the need to integrate computer science into their public school programs:

Why Chicago is mandating coding education (CNN Money, October 20, 2014)

Why Schools in England are teaching 5-year-olds how to code (Bloomberg, October  16, 2014)

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#LabanPilipinas: Philippines Most Improved Country since 2010 in WEF Global Competitiveness Report

How do you measure a country’s success? Is it the percentage of tax you have to pay the government? Is it the availability of convenient transportation like trains? Is it the reliability of law enforcers and how they make us feel safe? Is it by the number of beggars on the street?

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