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Happy 2nd Year Anniversary to Us

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Hello everyone!
August 1 marked the 2nd year anniversary of Creating Info! We are truly grateful for God’s grace in sustaining us in this business and the continued privilege to serve you guys. It had been an exciting journey for us, with its many ups and downs, and we look forward for many great things to come.

There’s a lot to be thankful for and we would like to take this time to recount the milestones we’ve achieved this past year.

1. Our Family has grown!

Of our many blessings, we are most thankful for the people that help make it all possible. For the first time this year, we had equal number of teammates as there are business partners in the team. We are very happy to have them all on board. In case you haven’t met them yet, this is our young, dynamic and dedicated team who works hard everyday to serve you.

First Row (right to left): Brian – CEO, Jeff – Sales Director, Janine – Senior Software Engineer, Power – Managing Director

Second Row (right to left): Kevin – Associate Software Engineer, Jake – Associate Business Analyst, Stan – Software Engineer

Not in the picture: yours truly! For now, I’m just the company’s resident blogger 🙂


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2. Our Customer base was doubled!

Actually, it was more than double. From 10 inaugural customers we now have 23 customers total. Our customer base came from varied industries such as construction, furniture, food and beverages, BPO, and others. Their businesses are mostly focused on manufacturing, merchandising and services. We are also excited to see some of our customers come back to us for extended features on the initial systems we’ve delivered as well some brand new system requests. We are pleased that they were satisfied with our work and trust us enough to come back for more. To all our customers, thank you very much! 🙂

3. Our portfolio has increased!

Customized Inventory Systems and Content Management Systems remains to be our top selling services. But, in the past year, we have included other services in our portfolio such as billing system, payroll system, highly customized business process forms, and we’ve also accepted some sub-contracting stint from our IT partners. On top of that, we are developing our own in house Software-as-a-Service product waiting to be launched soon. We appreciate all the trust our customers have given us as we continue to build on our identity as a company in this industry. We are committed to keep on building on our skillset to serve you guys better.

 4. Extended Reach!

Humor me on this one. 🙂 We’ve decided to start blogging to try to connect to more people, and help people know about Creating Info a little bit better. As of this post, our website has approximately 2,500 visits since it’s creation. Whether you came to pay us a visit to inquire about our services, or to checkout our company in applying for a job, or simply drawn to our featured articles or blog posts – I hope you guys enjoyed your visit in our page and we would love to hear more from you. Feel free to email us for any questions and concerns through hello@creatinginfo.com

In all we do, we do it all for the glory of God! We dedicate these all to Him! It was an exciting 2nd year for us, we wish our 3rd year will be our best year yet! 🙂 Thanks again everyone! 🙂

Featured Photo from www.austinandcathy.com