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Season’s Greetings

Thank you

I heard from a famous speaker at church recently that days are long but a year is short. Ain’t it so true? Now that it’s December, it feels like everything is on fast forward mode. It’s like we have to rush from one party to the next to the next. And it’s one errand after another after another.

I’ve thought about what to write for our Christmas blog. For me personally, I really liked ABS-CBN new appreciation theme for Christmas. If you guys are not familiar with it, the song went like – “Kaya’t ngayong Pasko, ang blessings ko’y kayo. Thank you, thank you ang babait ninyo!”

When I was younger (maybe up until I was 12), I really love Christmas eve. My family goes back to my dad’s home town and we will have a grand reunion with all my cousins and relatives. There’s lots of gifts, caroling, money, food and tons of laughter. Just the thought of it makes me so excited I really couldn’t sleep on the evening of the 23rd because of the anticipation. As I get older, the feeling of Christmas becoming a “chore” does try to creep in from time to time. There are times when buying gifts is done out of duty because you have to “exchange” them with someone else.  I sometimes don’t see the point why almost literally all your get together with all your friends should be cramped into a single month when you had an entire year to meet and catch up. Traffic is also so horrible that the logistics of going from one place to another is close to impossible. And my expenses gets high I’m having a fear of opening my credit card bill. 🙂

This year, I had more time to start planning for Christmas earlier. 🙂 I decided that I want to enjoy Christmas for the love of it again and decided to use it as a time to sincerely to show appreciation to the people in my life. I took the time to write personal messages on Christmas cards (at least most of them). Painstakingly walk the mall looking for perfect gifts rather than the mass selection (though there are still group gifts). To cheerfully give to those in need – like people who recently had a tragedy or just general poverty. Took the time to travel to farther places (like Ortigas haha) to spend time with people who are important to me (like this wonderful group of Creating Info team) despite horrible traffic. It’s half way through December, while I am not sure if the recipients of my appreciation project did appreciate the actions, I feel happy being able to do it for them. 🙂


We here in Creating Info also greatly appreciate all of you. It is an exciting year for us all. Not quite where we are aiming to be yet, but a lot farther than where we were before. We appreciate all of you for your business. For your continued trust and allowing us to help you deliver critical systems for your operation. For educating us about your business and industry, these are valuable learning for us to continue to build better and more useful systems in the future. We appreciate you for every second of your time you have given us to help us grow more as a business.

Lastly, we thank the ultimate Master of our business and our lives – our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. This Christmas we remember the fulfillment of the promised Messiah sent to us. Jesus who died on the cross to save us not because we were deserving but because of His love for us. We thank You Lord, for Your ultimate sacrifice and Your abounding grace for us. We will be nothing without You, and we submit and surrender all of these back to You. 🙂