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Creating Info’s 3rd Year Anniversary

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This month is particularly special for us here at Creating Info as we get to celebrate another milestone – its our 3rd year anniversary! We have so many things to be grateful for in our 3rd year. Here is a quick rundown of key highlights from the past year.

Project and Team Updates

We would like to thank our clients for their their continued trust through contract renewals, new project engagements and even recommendations to other companies. We also had several huge clients acquisitions that allowed us to expand our expertise and portfolio. We have now grown our client from 20+ last year to 60+ to date, a 200% increase! We wouldn’t have accomplished this without the dedication of our hardworking team!

Internship Program

We launched our internship program last summer with two interns. We were glad to see them learn fast as they had to hit the ground running while working on some actual projects alongside our team members. To our delight, we’ve absorbed one intern to be a regular part of the team. The other one had to go back to finish school so maybe we’ll have to wait. We are accepting a new batch of interns so check out our hiring page for more details.


A few months ago, we’ve beta-launched a software-as-a-service platform called Zayls. It is a sales and inventory management system designed for businesses in the Philippines. We combined all the best practices we’ve learned over the years and combined them all in one integrated platform. Since that beta-launch, we have signed-up several paying clients and we are constantly fine tuning the platform based from their feedback. We’re targeting to launch a bunch of new features in Q4 of 2015 so stay tuned!

Website Makeover

Ever since we launched the website in 2012, the site only had minor tweaks here and there but there weren’t any major changes. We have been so busy creating awesome websites and web applications for our clients that we have forgotten even our own website. So now, we’re giving our website its much needed love with a brand new design. It now features a warmer and welcoming design (rather than a more stiff corporate look).  We are huge fans of the minimalist design concept so we’re still sticking with that. Here’s a screenshot:

Creating Info

To the future

Our 3rd year definitely is the best year so far for Creating Info and we look forward to an even greater 4th year and beyond. Cheers to many more years to come!